Department of Defense
NUMBER 3020.41
December 20, 2011
Incorporating Change 2, August 31, 2018
SUBJECT: Operational Contract Support (OCS)
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This Instruction:
a. Reissues DoD Instruction (DoDI) 3020.41 (Reference (a)) with a new title.
b. Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for OCS, including
OCS program management, contract support integration, and integration of defense contractor
personnel into contingency operations outside the United States in accordance with the guidance
in DoD Directive (DoDD) 3020.49 (Reference (b)) and the authority in DoDD 5134.01
(Reference (c)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to:
a. Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of
the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD (hereinafter referred to
collectively as the “DoD Components”).
b. DoD operations (contingency, humanitarian assistance, and other peace operations)
outside the United States; other military operations as determined by a Combatant Commander
(CCDR); or as directed by the Secretary of Defense (hereinafter referred to collectively as
applicable contingency operations”).
3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.
4. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
DoDI 3020.41, December 20, 2011
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a. OCS actions (e.g., planning, accountability, visibility, deployment, protection, and
redeployment requirements) shall be implemented to:
(1) Incorporate appropriate contingency program management processes during
applicable contingency operations.
(2) Comply with applicable U.S., international, and local laws, regulations, policies, and
(3) Use contract support only in appropriate situations consistent with subpart 7.5 of the
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), subpart 207.503 of the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and DoDI 1100.22 (References (d), (e), and (f)).
(4) Fully consider, plan for, integrate, and execute acquisition of, contracted support,
including synchronizing and integrating contracted support flowing into an operational area from
systems support, external support and theater support contracts, and managing the associated
contractor personnel, into applicable contingency operations consistent with CCDR policies and
procedures and Joint Publication (JP) 4-10 (Reference (g)).
b. Contractors are generally responsible for providing their own logistical support.
However, in austere, uncertain, and/or hostile environments, the DoD may provide logistical
support to ensure continuation of essential contractor services. Contractors authorized to
accompany the force (CAAF) may receive Government-furnished support commensurate with
the operational situation in accordance with the terms and conditions of their contract.
c. Contracting officers will ensure that contracts used to support DoD operations require:
(1) That CAAF deploying from outside the operational area be processed through formal
deployment (replacement) centers or a DoD-approved equivalent process prior to departure, and
through in-theater reception centers upon arrival in the operational area, as specified in
Enclosure 2.
(2) That contractors provide personnel who are medically, dentally, and psychologically
fit, and if applicable, professionally tested and certified, to perform contract duties in applicable
contingency operations. Enclosure 2 details medical support and evacuation procedures.
Enclosure 3 provides guidance on contractor medical, psychological, and dental fitness.
(3) Solicitations and contracts address any applicable host country and designated
operational area performance considerations.
d. Contracts for highly sensitive, classified, cryptologic, and intelligence projects and
programs shall implement this Instruction to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with
applicable laws, Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, and DoD issuances.
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e. In applicable contingency operations, contractor visibility and accountability shall be
maintained through a common joint database, the Synchronized Predeployment and Operational
Tracker (SPOT) or its successor.
5. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 4.
6. INFORMATION COLLECTIONS. The SPOT System, referred to throughout this issuance,
has been assigned OMB control number 0704-0460 in accordance with the procedures in
Volume 2 of DoD Manual 8910.01 (Reference (bs)). The expiration date of this information
collection is listed on the DoD Information Collections System at
7. PROCEDURES. See Enclosures 2 and 3.
8. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This Instruction is available on the DoD
Issuances Website at
9. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2. This change corrects the information collections and reassigns
the office of primary responsibility for this instruction to the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition and Sustainment in accordance with the July 13, 2018 Deputy Secretary of Defense
Memorandum (Reference (bt)).
9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Instruction is effective December 20, 2011.
Frank Kendall
Acting Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
1. References
2. Procedures
3. Guidance for Contractor Medical and Dental Fitness
4. Responsibilities
DoDI 3020.41, December 20, 2011
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ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES ...................................................................................................6
ENCLOSURE 2: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................10
REQUIREMENTS, RELATIONSHIPS, AND RESTRICTIONS ..........................................10
OCS PLANNING ....................................................................................................................12
CONTRACTOR THEATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS .....................................21
REDEPLOYMENT PROCEDURES ......................................................................................26
DENTAL FITNESS .................................................................................................................28
GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................28
MEDICAL AND DENTAL EVALUATIONS .......................................................................28
GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSES ...................................................................................29
MEDICATIONS ......................................................................................................................29
COMFORT ITEMS .................................................................................................................30
IMMUNIZATIONS .................................................................................................................30
HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) TESTING ...............................................30
INDENTIFICATION OF REMAINS (AFRSSIR) ............................................................31
PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS ..........................................................................31
EXCEPTIONS TO MEDICAL STANDARDS (WAIVERS) .................................................35
ENCLOSURE 4: RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................36
USD(AT&L) ............................................................................................................................36
DIRECTOR, DPAP .................................................................................................................36
DIRECTOR, DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY (DLA) .......................................................38
(DCMA)...................................................... ...................................................................... 39
UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR INTELLIGENCE (USD(I)) .............................39
ASD(HA) .................................................................................................................................39
(DASD(READINESS)) .....................................................................................................39
DIRECTOR, DEFENSE MANAGEMENT DATA CENTER (DMDC) ................................40
FINANCIAL OFFICER (CFO), DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ...................................40
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DEFENSE AGENCIES AND DOD FIELD ACTIVITIES ..............................................40
CJCS ........................................................................................................................................42
GEOGRAPHIC CCDRS AND CDRUSSOCOM ...................................................................42
FUNCTIONAL CCDRS ..........................................................................................................45
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................46
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................46
PART II: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................48
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(a) DoD Instruction 3020.41, “Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the U.S. Armed
Forces,” October 3, 2005 (hereby cancelled)
(b) DoD Directive 3020.49, “Orchestrating, Synchronizing, and Integrating Program
Management of Contingency Acquisition Planning and its Operational Execution,”
March 24, 2009
(c) DoD Directive 5134.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)),” December 9, 2005, as amended
(d) Subparts 4.1301, 4.1303, 52.204-9, 7.5, 7.503(e), 2.101, and 3.502 of the Federal
Acquisition Regulation, current edition
(e) Subparts 207.503, 252.225-7040 and 202.101, of the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement, current edition
(f) DoD Instruction 1100.22, “Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix,”
April 12, 2010
(g) Joint Publication 4-10, “Operational Contract Support,” July 16, 2014
(h) Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, August 12, 1949
(i) Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Civilians in Time of War, August 12,
(j) Sections 7(9), 2441, and 3261
of title 18, United States Code
(k) Sections 133, 153, 155, 235, 2330a and 2463 and chapter 47
of title 10, United States
(l) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “UCMJ Jurisdiction Over DoD Civilian Employees,
DoD Contractor Personnel, and Other Persons Serving With or Accompanying the Armed
Forces Overseas During Declared War and in Contingency Operations,” March 10, 2008
(m) DoD Directive 1000.20, “Active Duty Service Determinations for Civilian or Contractual
Groups,” September 11, 1989
(n) Section 106 of title 38, United States Code
(o) Public Law 105-270, “Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998,” October 19, 1998
(p) Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76, “Performance of Commercial
Activities,” May 29, 2003, as amended
(q) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “In-sourcing Contracted Services
Implementation Guidance,” May 28, 2009
(r) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Implementation of Section 324 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (FY 2008 NDAA) – Guidelines
and Procedures on In-Sourcing New and Contracted Out Functions,” April, 4, 2008
(s) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3122.02C, Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System (JOPES) Volume III, “Crisis Action Time-Phased Force and
Deployment Data Development and Deployment Execution,” May 21, 2015
Also known as “The Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000 (MEJA), as amended”
Also known as “The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)”
Available to authorized users at Electronic access to this
directive is restricted by the Joint Staff Office of Primary Responsibility
DoDI 3020.41, December 20, 2011
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(t) Joint Publication 4-0, “Joint Logistics,” October 16, 2013
(u) DoD Directive 1100.4, “Guidance for Manpower Management,” February 12, 2005
(w) DoD Directive 5205.02E, “DoD Operations Security (OPSEC) Program,” June 20, 2012
(x) DoD Instruction 5000.02,Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” January 7,
2015, as amended
(y) Subpart 225.74 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement – Procedures,
Guidance and Information, current edition
(z) DoD Foreign Clearance Guide, current edition
(aa) Section 862 of Public Law 110-181, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2008,” January 28, 2008
(ab) DoD Directive 5160.41E, “Defense Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC)
Program,” August 21, 2015, as amended
(ac) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3150.13C, “Joint Reporting Structure –
Personnel Manual,” March 10, 2010
(ad) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) and Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense (Program Integration) Memorandum “Designation of Synchronized
Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) as Central Repository for Information on
Contractors Deploying with the Force,” January 25, 2007
(ae) DoD 5400.11-R “Department of Defense Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
(af) DoD 6025.18-R “DoD Health Information Privacy Regulation”, January 24, 2003
(ag) DoD Directive 8000.01, “Management of the Department of Defense Information
Enterprise (DoD IE),” March 17, 2016
(ah) DoD Instruction 8320.02, “Sharing Data, Information, and Technology (IT) Services in
the Department of Defense,” August 5, 2013
(ai) DoD Instruction 8330.01, “Interoperability of Information Technology (IT), Including
National Security Systems (NSS),” May 21, 2014(aj) DoD Directive 8500.01, “
Cybersecurity,” March 14, 2014
(ak) DoD Instruction 1000.13, “Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed
Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals,” January 23, 2014
(al) DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 1, “DoD Identification (ID) Cards: ID Card Life-Cycle,”
January 23, 2014
(am) DoD Instruction 4161.02, “Accountability and Management of Government Contract
Property,” April 27, 2012
(an) DoD Directive 6485.02E, “Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention Program to Support Foreign Militaries,”
December 6, 2013
(ao) DoD Instruction 6490.03, “Deployment Health,” August 11, 2006
(ap) DoD Directive 6490.02E, “Comprehensive Health Surveillance,” February 8, 2012, as
(aq) DoD Instruction 3020.50, “Private Security Contractors (PSCs) Operating in Contingency
Operations, Humanitarian or Peace Operations, or Other Military Operations or Exercises,”
July 22, 2009, as amended
(ar) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3500.01F, “Joint Training Policy and
Guidance for the Armed Forces of the United States,” November 19, 2010
(as) DoD Instruction 2000.12, “DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program,” March 1, 2012, as amended
Available to authorized users at
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(at) DoD Instruction O-2000.16, Volume 1, “DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program
Implementation: DoD AT Standards,” November 17, 2016
(au) DoD Instruction O-3002.05, “Personnel Recovery (PR) Education and Training,”
April 12, 2016
(av) DoD Directive 3002.01, “Personnel Recovery in the Department of Defense,” April 16,
2009, as amended
(aw) Joint Publication 3-50, “Personnel Recovery,” October 2, 2015
(ax) DoD Instruction 3002.03, “DoD Personnel Recovery – Reintegration of Recovered
Personnel,” July 15, 2013, as amended
(ay) DoD Directive 2310.07E, “Personnel Accounting – Losses Due to Hostile Acts,”
November 10, 2003
(az) DoD Directive 3025.14, “Evacuation of U.S. Citizens and Deisgnated Aliens from
Threatened Areas Abroad,” February 26, 2013
(ba) Joint Publication 1-0, “Personnel Support to Joint Operations,” March 25, 2013
(bb) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness Publication, “Business
Rules for the Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT),” current
(bc) DoD Directive 1300.22, “Mortuary Affairs Policy,” October 30, 2015
(bd) DoD Instruction 6000.11, “Patient Movement (PM),” May 4, 2012
(be) DoD Instruction 6200.03, “Public Health Emergency Management within the Department
of Defense,” March 5, 2010, as amended
(bf) DoD 4525.6-M, “Department of Defense Postal Manual,” August 15, 2002
(bg) DoD Directive 6200.04, “Force Health Protection (FHP)”, October 9, 2004
(bh) DoD Instruction 5154.30, “Armed Forces Medical Examiner Systems (AFMES),”
December 29, 2015
(bi) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Memorandum, “Policy Guidance for
Deployment-Limiting Psychiatric Conditions and Medications,” November 7, 2006
(bj) Operational Contract Support Functional Capabilities Integration Board (FCIB) Charter,
June 27, 2014
(bk) Quadrennial Defense Review, current edition
(bl) DoD Directive 5143.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD (I)),” October
24, 2014, as amended
(bm) DoD Instruction 5220.22, “National Industrial Security Program (NISP),” March 18, 2011
(bn) Joint Staff Manual 5100.01, “Organization and Function of the Joint Staff,” January 23,
(bo) DoD 7000.14-R, “Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRs),”
current edition
(bp) DoD Directive 5210.56, ““Arming and the Use of Force,” November 18, 2016
(bq) Joint Publication 1-02, “Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms,” current edition
(br) Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, current edition
(bs) DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 2, “DoD Information Collections: Procedures for DoD
Public Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended"
Available at
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(bt) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Establishment of the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the Office of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment,” July 13, 2018
(bu) DoD Instruction 1000.01, “Identification (ID) Cards Required by the Geneva
Conventions,” April 16, 2012, as amended
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Instruction, the Heads of the DoD Components shall abide by applicable laws, regulations, DoD
policy, and international agreements as they relate to contractor personnel supporting applicable
contingency operations.
a. Status of Contractor Personnel
(1) Pursuant to applicable law, contracted services may be utilized in applicable
contingency operations for all functions not inherently governmental. Contractor personnel may
be utilized in support of such operations in a non-combat role as long as contractor personnel
residing with the force in foreign contingencies have been designated as CAAF by the force they
accompany and are provided with an appropriate identification card pursuant to the Geneva
Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (Reference (h)). If captured during
international armed conflict, contractors with CAAF status are entitled to prisoner of war status.
Some contractor personnel may be covered by the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection
of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Reference (i)) should they be captured during armed
conflict. All contractor personnel may be at risk of injury or death incidental to enemy actions
while supporting military operations. CAAF status does not apply to contractor personnel
supporting domestic contingencies.
(2) Contractor personnel may support applicable contingency operations such as by
providing communications support; transporting munitions and other supplies; performing
maintenance functions for military equipment; providing private security services; providing
foreign language interpretation and translation services, and providing logistic services such as
billeting and messing. Each service to be performed by contractor personnel in applicable
contingency operations shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the
cognizant manpower official and servicing legal office to ensure compliance with Reference (f)
and relevant laws and international agreements.
b. Local and Third-Country Laws. Subject to the application of international agreements, all
contingency contractor personnel must comply with applicable local and third-country laws.
Contractor personnel may be hired from U.S., local national (LN), or third-country sources and
their status may change (e.g., from non-CAAF to CAAF), depending on where they are detailed
to work by their employer or on the provisions of the contract. The CCDRs, as well as
subordinate commanders and Service component commanders, and the Directors of the Defense
Agencies and DoD Field Activities should be cognizant of limiting factors regarding the
employment of LN and third-country national (TCN) personnel. Limiting factors may include
imported labor worker permits; workforce and hour restrictions; medical, life, and disability
insurance coverage; taxes, customs, and duties; cost of living allowances; hardship differentials;
access to classified information; and hazardous duty pay.
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c. U.S. Laws. CAAF, with some exceptions, are subject to U.S. laws and Government
regulations. For example, all U.S. citizen and TCN CAAF may be subject to prosecution
pursuant to Federal law including, but not limited to, section 3261 of title 18, U.S.C. (also known
and hereinafter referred to as “The Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000 (MEJA), as
amended” (Reference (j))). MEJA extends U.S. Federal criminal jurisdiction to certain defense
contractor personnel for offenses committed outside U.S. Territory. Additionally, CAAF are
subject to prosecution pursuant to chapter 47 of title 10, U.S.C. (also known and hereinafter
referred to as “The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)” (Reference (k))) in accordance
with Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (l)). Other laws may allow prosecution of
offenses by contractor personnel, such as section 7(9) of Reference (j). Immediate consultation
with the servicing legal office and the contracting officer is required in all cases of suspected
MEJA and/or UCMJ application to conduct by CAAF personnel, especially in non-combat
operations or in undeclared contingencies.
d. Contractual Relationships. The contract is the only legal basis for the relationship
between the DoD and the contractor. The contract shall specify the terms and conditions, to
include minimum acceptable professional standards, under which the contractor is to perform;
the method by which the contractor will be notified of the deployment procedures to process
contractor personnel; and the specific support relationship between the contractor and the DoD.
The contract shall contain standardized clauses to ensure efficient deployment, accountability,
visibility, protection, authorized levels of health service, and other support, sustainment, and
redeployment of contractor personnel. It shall also specify the appropriate flow-down of
provisions and clauses to subcontracts, and shall state that the service performed by contractor
personnel is not considered to be active duty or active service in accordance with DoDD 1000.20
and section 106 of title 38, U.S.C. (References (m) and (n)).
e. Restrictions on Contracting Inherently Governmental Functions. Inherently governmental
functions and duties are barred from private sector performance in accordance with Reference
(f), subpart 207.503 of Reference (e), subpart 7.5 of Reference (d), Public Law (P.L.) 105-270
(Reference (o)), and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 (Reference (p)). As
required by subpart 7.503(e) of Reference (d), subpart 207.503 of Reference (e), and Deputy
Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (q)), contracting officials shall request requiring
officials to certify in writing that functions to be contracted (or to continue to be contracted) are
not inherently governmental. Requiring officials shall determine whether functions are
inherently governmental based on the guidance in Reference (f).
f. Restrictions on Contracting Functions Exempted From Private Sector Performance. As
required by subpart 207.503 of Reference (e) and Reference (q), contracting officials shall
request requiring officials to certify in writing that functions to be contracted (or continue to be
contracted) are not exempted from private sector performance. Requiring officials shall
determine whether functions are exempted from private sector performance based on the
guidance in Reference (f).
g. Requirements for Contracting Commercial Functions. As required by section 2463 of
Reference (k) and Reference (q), in advance of contracting for commercial functions or
continuing to contract for commercial functions, requiring officials shall consider using DoD
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civilian employees to perform the work. Requiring officials shall determine whether DoD
civilian employees should be used to perform the work based on the guidance in Reference (q)
and Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (r)).
h. International Laws, Local Laws, and Host Nation (HN) Support Agreements. Planners
and requiring activities, in coordination with contracting officers, shall take international laws,
local laws, and HN support agreements into account when planning for contracted support,
through assistance and coordination of the staff judge advocates (SJAs) office of the geographic
CCDRs; the Commander, United States Special Operations Command (CDRUSSOCOM); the
Commander, United States Transportation Command; and the Service component commander
SJA offices. These laws and support agreements may affect contracting by restricting the
services to be contracted, limiting contracted services to LN or HN contractor sources or, in
some cases, by prohibiting contractor use altogether.
i. Status-of-Forces Agreements (SOFAs). Planners and requiring activities, in coordination
with contracting officers shall review applicable SOFAs and related agreements to determine
their effect on the status and use of contractors in support of applicable contingency operations,
with the assistance and coordination of the geographic CCDR SJA offices.
2. OCS PLANNING. Combatant and subordinate joint force commanders (JFCs) determine
whether contracted support capabilities are appropriate in support of a contingency. When
contractor personnel and equipment are anticipated to support military operations, military
planners will develop orchestrated, synchronized, detailed, and fully developed contract support
integration plans (CSIPs) and contractor management plans (CMPs) as components of concept
plans (CONPLANs) and operational plans (OPLANs), in accordance with appropriate strategic
planning guidance. CONPLANS without time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) and
operational orders (OPORDs) shall contain CSIP- and CMP-like guidance to the extent
necessary as determined by the CCDR. OCS planning will, at a minimum, consider HN support
agreements, acquisition cross-servicing agreements, and Military logistics support agreements.
a. CSIPs. All CCDR CONPLANs with TPFDD and OPLANs shall include a separate CSIP
(i.e., Annex W) in accordance with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3122.02C and
JP 4-0 (References (s) and (t)). Further, plans and orders should contain additional contract
support guidance, as appropriate, in applicable annexes and appendixes within the respective
plans (e.g., contracted bulk fuel support guidance should be addressed in the Class III(B)
Appendix to the Logistic Annex). Service component commanders shall provide supporting
CSIPs as directed by the CCDR.
b. CMPs. All CCDR CONPLANs with TPFDD and OPLANs shall include a separate CMP
and/or requisite contractor management requirements document in the applicable appendix or
annex of these plans (e.g., private security contractor rules for the use of force should be
addressed in the Rules of Engagement Appendix to the Concept of the Operation Annex) in
accordance with References (s) and (t). Service component commanders shall provide
supporting CMPs as directed by the CCDR.
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c. Continuation of Essential Contractor Services. To ensure that critical capabilities are
maintained, it is necessary to assess the risk of premature loss of mission-essential contracted
support. Supported and supporting commanders shall plan for the mitigation from the risk of
premature loss of contingency contractor personnel who are performing essential contractor
services. Planning for continuation of essential contractor services during applicable
contingency operations includes:
(1) Determining all services provided overseas by defense contractors that must continue
during an applicable contingency operation. Contracts shall obligate defense contractors to
ensure the continuity of essential contractor services during such operations.
(2) Developing mitigation plans for those tasks identified as essential contractor services
to provide reasonable assurance of continuation during crisis conditions. These mitigation plans
should be developed as part of the normal CSIP development process.
(3) Ensuring the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the geographic CCDRs
plan for the mitigation from the risk of premature loss of contingency contractor personnel who
are performing essential contractor services. When the cognizant DoD Component Commander
or geographic CCDR has a reasonable doubt about the continuation of essential services by the
incumbent contractor during applicable contingency operations, the commander shall prepare a
mitigation plan for obtaining the essential services from alternative sources (military, DoD
civilian, HN, or other contractor(s)). This planning requirement also applies when the
commander has concerns that the contractor cannot or will no longer fulfill the terms of the
(a) Because the threat level, duration of hostilities, or other factors specified in the
contract have changed significantly;
(b) Because U.S., international, or local laws; HN support agreements; or SOFAs
have changed in a manner that affect contract arrangements; or
(c) Due to political or cultural reasons.
(4) Encouraging contingency contractor personnel performing essential contractor
services overseas to remain in the respective operations area.
d. Requirements for Publication. CCDRs shall make OCS planning factors, management
policies, and specific contract support requirements available to affected contingency contractor
personnel. To implement the OCS-related requirements of DoDD 1100.4 and DoDI 5205.02
(References (u) and (w)), the mandated CCDR website at shall include the information
in subparagraphs d.(1) through d.(9) of this section (the data owner must review this information
for security classification and operations security (OPSEC) considerations prior to its posting)).
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(1) Theater Business Clearance and Contract Administration Delegation requirements for
external support and systems support contracts executing or delivering contracted support in the
CCDR’s area of responsibility (AOR) (implemented at the CCDR’s discretion).
(2) Restrictions imposed by applicable international and local laws, SOFAs, and HN
support agreements.
(3) CAAF-related deployment requirements and theater reception.
(4) Reporting requirements for accountability of contractor personnel and visibility of
(5) OPSEC plans and restrictions.
(6) Force protection policies.
(7) Personnel recovery procedures.
(8) Availability of medical and other Government-furnished support.
(9) Redeployment procedures.
e. Implementing OCS Plan Decisions Into Contracts
(1) Specific contract-related considerations and requirements set forth in Annex Ws of
CONPLANs with TPFDD and OPLANs shall be reflected and addressed in CCDR policies (e.g.,
Theater Business Clearance/Contract Administration Delegation) and orders that apply to
contractors and their personnel, maintained on CCDR OCS Webpages and integrated into
contracts performing or delivering in a CCDR area of responsibility. When such CCDR policies
potentially affect contracts other than those originated in the CCDR AOR, the CCDR should
consult the contingency contracting section of the Office of the Director, Defense Procurement
and Acquisition Policy (DPAP), for advice on how best to implement these policies. All
contracted services in support of contingency operations shall be included and accounted for in
accordance with sections 235 and 2330a of Reference (k). This accounting shall be completed
by the operational CCDR requiring the service.”
(2) When making logistics sustainability recommendations, the DoD Components and
acquisition managers shall consider the requirements of DoDI 5000.02 (Reference (x)) and
paragraph 1.e. of this enclosure. Early in the contingency or crisis action planning process, they
shall coordinate with the affected supported and supporting commands any anticipated
requirements for contractor logistics support arrangements that may affect existing CONPLANs,
OPLANs, and OPORDs. As part of the supporting plans, supporting organizations (Service
components, defense agencies, others) must provide adequate data (e.g., estimates of the
numbers of contractors and contracts and the types of supplies or services that will be required to
support their responsibilities within the OPLAN) to the supported command planners to ensure
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the supported commander has full knowledge of the magnitude of contracted support required
for the applicable contingency operation.
f. TPFDD Development. Deployment data for CAAF and their equipment supporting the
Military Services must be incorporated into TPFDD development and deployment execution
processes in accordance with Reference (s). The requirement to provide deployment data shall
be incorporated into known system support and external support contracts and shall apply
regardless of whether defense contractors will provide or arrange their own transportation.
The considerations in this section are applicable during CAAF deployment processing.
a. General
(1) The CCDR or subordinate JFC shall provide specific deployment and theater
admission requirements to the DoD Components for each applicable contingency operation.
These requirements must be delineated in supporting contracts as explained in subpart 225.74 of
DFARS Procedures, Guidance, and Information (Reference (y)). At a minimum, contracting
officers shall ensure that contracts address operational area-specific contract requirements and
the means by which the Government will inform contractors of the requirements and procedures
applicable to a deployment.
(2) A formally designated group, joint, or Military Department deployment center (e.g.,
replacement center, Federal deployment center, unit deployment site) shall be used to conduct
deployment and redeployment processing for CAAF, unless contractor-performed theater
admission preparation is authorized according to paragraph 3.e., or waived pursuant to paragraph
3.o., of this enclosure. However, a Government-authorized process that incorporates all the
functions of a deployment center may be used if designated in the contract.
b. Country Entry Requirements. Special area, country, and theater personnel clearance
documents must be current in accordance with the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide (Reference (z))
and coordinated with affected agencies (e.g., Intelligence Community agencies) to ensure that
entry requirements do not impact accomplishment of mission requirements. CAAF employed in
support of a DoD mission are considered DoD-sponsored personnel for Reference (z) purposes.
Contracting officers shall ensure contracts include a requirement that CAAF must meet theater
personnel clearance requirements and must obtain personnel clearances prior to entering
applicable contingency operations. Contracts shall require CAAF to obtain proper identification
credentials (e.g., passport, visa) as required by the terms and conditions of the contract.
c. Accountability and Visibility of Contingency Contracts and Contractor Personnel
(1) DoD contracts and contractors supporting an applicable contingency operation shall
be accountable and visible in accordance with this Instruction, Reference (y), and section 862 of
P.L. 110-181 (Reference (aa)). Additionally, contract linguist utilization will be tracked using
the Contract Linguist Enterprise-wide Database in accordance with DoDD 5160.41E (Reference
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(ab)). OCS requirements and contractor accountability and visibility must be preplanned and
integrated into plans and OPORDs in accordance with References (g) and (s) and U.S. citizen,
U.S. legal alien contractor, LN, and TCN information provided in accordance with CJCS Manual
3150.13C (Reference (ac)).
(2) As stated in the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel
Readiness) and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Program Integration) Memorandum
(Reference (ad)), SPOT was designated as the joint web-based database to assist the CCDRs in
maintaining awareness of the nature, extent, and potential risks and capabilities associated with
OCS for contingency operations, humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping operations, or
military exercises designated by the CCDR. To facilitate integration of contingency contractors
and other personnel as directed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology
and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) or the CCDR, and to ensure accountability, visibility, force
protection, medical support, personnel recovery, and other related support can be accurately
forecasted and provided, these procedures shall apply for establishing, maintaining, and
validating the database:
(a) SPOT or its successor shall:
1. Serve as the central repository for up-to-date status and reporting on
contingency contractor personnel as directed by the USD(AT&L), subpart 252.225-7040 of
Reference (e) and Reference (y), or the CCDR, as well as other Government agency contractor
personnel as applicable.
2. Track contract information for all DoD contracts supporting applicable
contingency operations, as directed by the USD(AT&L), References (y) and (ac), or the CCDR.
SPOT data elements are intended to provide planners and CCDRs an awareness of the nature,
extent, and potential risks and capabilities associated with contracted support.
3. Provide personnel accountability via unique identifier (e.g., Electronic Data
Interchange Personnel Identifier of DoD contingency contractor personnel and other personnel as
directed by the USD(AT&L), Reference (y), Reference (ac), or the CCDR.
4. Contain, or link to, minimum contract information (e.g., contract number,
contract category, period of performance, contracting agency and contracting office) necessary to
establish and maintain accountability and visibility of the personnel in subparagraph 3.c.(2)(a)1
of this section, to maintain information on specific equipment related to private security
contracts, and the contract capabilities in contingency operations, humanitarian assistance, and
peacekeeping operations, or military exercises designated by the CCDR.
5. Comply with the personnel identity protection program requirements of
Reference (w), DoD 5400.11-R (Reference (ae)), and DoD 6025.18-R (Reference (af)); be
consistent with the DoD Information Eenterprise Architecture in DoDD 8000.01 (Reference
(ag)); and be compliant with DoDIs 8320.02 and 8330.01 and DoDD 8500.01 (References (ah),
(ai), and (aj)).
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(b) All required data must be entered into SPOT or its successor before a contractor
employee is permitted to deploy to or enter a military theater of operations. Contracting officers,
through the terms of the contracts, shall require contractors to enter data before an employee’s
deployment and to maintain and update the information for all CAAF, as well as non-CAAF as
directed by the USD(AT&L), Reference (y), or the CCDR. The contract shall require the
contractor to use SPOT or its successor, to enter and maintain data on its employees.
(c) A summary of all DoD contract services or capabilities for all contracts that are
awarded to support contingency, humanitarian assistance, and peacekeeping operations, to
include theater, external, and systems support contracts, shall be entered into SPOT or its
successor in accordance with subpart 252.225-7040 of Reference (e) and Reference (y).
(d) In accordance with applicable acquisition policy and regulations, all defense
contractors awarded contracts that support applicable contingency operations shall be required,
under the terms and conditions of each affected contract, to input employee data and maintain
by-name accountability of designated contractor personnel in SPOT or its successor as required
by subpart 252.225-7040 of Reference (e) and Reference (y). Contractors shall be required
under the terms and conditions of their contracts to maintain policies and procedures for knowing
the general location of their employees and to follow the procedures provided to them to submit
up-to-date, real-time information reflecting all personnel deployed or to be deployed in support
of contingency, humanitarian assistance, and peacekeeping operations. Prime contractors shall
be required under the terms and conditions of their contract to follow the procedure provided to
them to submit into SPOT or its successor, up-to-date, real-time information regarding their
subcontractors at all tiers.
(e) In all cases, classified information responsive to the requirements of this
Instruction shall be reported and maintained on systems approved for the level of classification
of the information provided.
d. Letter of Authorization (LOA). A SPOT-generated LOA shall be issued by the
contracting officer or designee to all CAAF as required by the clause in subpart 252.225-7040 of
Reference (e) and selected non-CAAF (e.g., LN private security contractors) as required under
Reference (y) or otherwise designated by the CCDR. The contract shall require that all
contingency contractor personnel who are issued an LOA will carry the LOA with them at all
times. For systems authorized in accordance with paragraph 3.c.(2)(b) of this enclosure, DoD
Components shall coordinate with the SPOT program manager to obtain an LOA handled within
appropriate security guidelines.
e. Deployment Center Procedures
(1) Affected contracts shall require that all CAAF process through a designated
deployment center or a Government-authorized, contractor-performed deployment processing
facility prior to deploying to an applicable contingency operation. Upon receiving the contracted
company’s certification that employees meet deployability requirements, the contracting officer
or his/her representative will digitally sign the LOA. The LOA will be presented to officials at
the deployment center. The deployment process shall be for, but not limited to:
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(a) Verifying accountability information in SPOT or its successor.
(b) Issuing applicable Government-furnished equipment.
(c) Verifying medical and dental screening, including required military-specific
vaccinations and immunizations (e.g., anthrax, smallpox).
(d) Verifying and, when necessary, providing required training (e.g., Geneva
Conventions; law of armed conflict; general orders; standards of conduct; force protection;
personnel recovery; first aid; operations security; anti-terrorism; counterintelligence reporting;
the use of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) protective ensemble), country and
cultural awareness briefings, and other training and briefings as appropriate.
(2) Affected contingency contracts shall require that, prior to deployment, contractors
certify to the Government authorizing representative named in the contract that all required
deployment processing actions have been completed for each individual.
f. CAAF Identification, Training, and Security Clearance Requirements. Contracts shall
require eligible CAAF to be issued an identification card with the Geneva Conventions
Accompanying the Force designation in accordance with DoDI 1000.01 and 1000.13
(References (bu) and (ak)) and Volume 1 of DoD Manual 1000.13 (Reference (al)). CAAF shall
be required to present their SPOT generated LOA as proof of eligibility at the time of ID card
issuance. All CAAF shall receive training regarding their status under the law of war and the
Geneva Convention. In addition and to the extent necessary, the contract shall require the
defense contractor to provide personnel who have the appropriate security clearance or are able
to satisfy the appropriate background investigation to obtain access required for the applicable
contingency operation.
g. Government Support. Generally, contingency contracts shall require that contractors
provide all life, mission, and administrative support to their employees necessary to perform the
contract in accordance with DoDI 4161.02 (Reference (am)) and CCDR guidance as posted on
the CCDR OCS website. As part of preparing an acquisition requirement, the requiring activity
will include an estimate of the Government support that is required to be provided to CAAF and
selected non-CAAF in accordance with References (d) and (y). The requiring activity will
confirm with theater adjudication authorities that the Government has the capacity, capability,
and willingness to provide the support. However, in many contingency operations, especially
those in which conditions are austere, uncertain, and/or non-permissive, the contracting officer
may decide it is in the interest of the Government to allow for selected life, mission, medical, and
administrative support to some contingency contractor personnel. Prior to awarding the contract,
the contracting officer will request the requiring activity to verify that proper arrangements for
Government support at the deployment center and within the designated operational area have
been made. The contract shall specify the level of Government-furnished support to be provided
to CAAF and selected non-CAAF and what support is reimbursable to the Government. The
requiring activity will ensure that approved GFS is available.
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h. Medical Preparation
(1) In accordance with Enclosure 3 of this Instruction, contracts shall require that
contractors provide medically and physically qualified contingency contractor personnel to
perform duties in applicable contingency operations as outlined in the contract. Any CAAF
deemed unsuitable to deploy during the deployment process due to medical or dental reasons will
not be authorized to deploy. The Secretary of Defense may direct immunizations as mandatory
for CAAF performing DoD-essential contractor services in accordance with References (t) and
(ac). For CAAF who are U.S. citizens, contracts shall require contractors to make available the
medical and dental records (including current panographic x-ray) of the deploying employees
who grant release authorization for this purpose, according to contract terms based on this
enclosure, DoDD 6485.02E (Reference (an)), applicable joint force command surgeon guidance,
and relevant Military Department policy.
(2) Government personnel cannot force a contractor employee to receive an
immunization or disclose private medical records against his or her will; therefore, particularly
for medical requirements that arise after contract award, the contracting officer will allow
contractors time to notify and/or hire employees who are willing to meet Government medical
requirements and disclose their private information.
(3) Medical threat pre-deployment briefings will be provided to all CAAF to
communicate health risks and countermeasures in the designated operational area in accordance
with DoDI 6490.03 (Reference (ao)). Health readiness, force health protection capability, either
as a responsibility of the contractor or the DoD Components, will be fully delineated in plans,
orders, and contracts to ensure appropriate medical staffing in the operational area. Health
surveillance activities shall also include plans for contingency contractor personnel who are
providing essential contractor services (as detailed in DoDD 6490.02E (Reference (ap)).
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) collection and other medical requirements are further addressed in
Enclosure 3 of this Instruction.
i. Individual Protective Equipment (IPE). When necessary and directed by CCDR, the
contracting officer will include language in the contract authorizing CAAF and selected non-
CAAF, as designated by the CCDR, to be issued military IPE (e.g., CBRN protective ensemble,
body armor, ballistic helmet) in accordance with Reference (u). This equipment shall typically
be issued at the deployment center, before deployment to the designated operational area, and
must be accounted for and returned to the Government or otherwise accounted for in accordance
with appropriate DoD Component standing regulations (including Reference (am), directives,
instructions, and supplementing publications). It is important to plan and resource IPE as
required by the geographic CCDR or subordinate JFC, and the terms of the contract. Training on
the proper care, fitting, and maintenance of issued protective equipment will be provided as part
of contractor deployment training. This training will include practical exercises within the
context of the various mission-oriented protective posture levels. When a contractor is required
under the terms and conditions of the contract to provide IPE, such IPE shall meet minimum
standards as defined by the contract.
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j. Clothing. Defense contractors or their personnel are responsible for providing their own
personal clothing, including casual and working clothing required by the assignment. Generally,
commanders shall not issue military clothing to contractor personnel or allow the wearing of
military or military look-alike uniforms. However, a CCDR or subordinate JFC deployed
forward may authorize contractor personnel to wear standard uniform items for operational
reasons. Contracts shall require that this authorization be in writing and maintained in the
possession of authorized contractor personnel at all times. When commanders issue any type of
standard uniform item to contractor personnel, care must be taken to ensure, consistent with
force protection measures, that contractor personnel are distinguishable from military personnel
through the use of distinctive patches, arm bands, nametags, or headgear.
k. Weapons. Contractor personnel shall not be authorized to possess or carry firearms or
ammunition during applicable contingency operations except as provided in paragraphs 4.e. and
4.f. of this enclosure and in DoDI 3020.50 (Reference (aq)). The contract shall provide the terms
and conditions governing the possession of firearms.
l. Training. Joint training policy and guidance for the Military Services, including DoD
contractors, is provided in CJCS Instruction 3500.01F (Reference (ar)). Standing training
requirements shall be placed on the CCDR OCS websites for reference by contractors. Training
requirements that are specific to the operation shall be placed on the CCDR websites
immediately after a declared contingency so that contracting officers can incorporate them into
the appropriate contracts as soon as possible. Training requirements must be contained or
incorporated by reference in contracts employing contractor personnel in support of an
applicable contingency operation. Training requirements include specific training requirements
established by the CCDR and training required in accordance with this Instruction, Reference
(aq), DoDI 2000.12 (Reference (as)), Volume 1 of DoDI O-2000.16 and DoDI O-3002.05
(References (at) and (au)).
m. Legal Assistance. Individual contractor personnel are responsible to have their personal
legal affairs in order (including preparing and completing powers of attorney, wills, trusts, estate
plans, etc.) before reporting to deployment centers. Contractor personnel are not entitled to
military legal assistance either in-theater or at the deployment center.
n. Contractor Integration. It is critical that CAAF brought into an operational area are
properly integrated into the military operation through a formal reception process. This shall
include, at a minimum, ensuring as they move into and out of the operational area, and
commensurate with local threat levels, that they:
(1) Have met theater entry requirements and are authorized to enter the theater.
(2) Are accounted for.
(3) Possess any required IPE, including CBRN protective ensemble.
(4) Have been authorized any required Government-furnished support and force
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o. Waivers. For contract support in the operational area that is required for less than 30
consecutive days, the CCDR or designee may waive a portion of the formal procedural
requirements in paragraph 3.e. of this enclosure, which may include waiving the requirement for
processing through a deployment center. However, the requirements to possess proper
identification cards and to establish and maintain accountability and visibility for all defense
contractors in accordance with applicable policy shall not be waived, nor shall any medical
requirement be waived without the prior approval of qualified medical personnel. If contingency
contractor personnel are authorized to be armed, the requirements of paragraphs 4.e. and 4.f. of
this enclosure cannot be waived.
Components shall adhere to the in-theater management policies of this section in managing
contingency contractor personnel in support of applicable contingency operations.
a. Reception. All CAAF shall be processed into the operational area through a designated
reception site. The site shall verify, based upon a visual inspection of the LOA, that contractor
personnel are entered into SPOT or its successor, and verify that personnel meet theater-specific
entry requirements. Contractor personnel already in the designated operational area when a
contingency is declared must report to the appropriate designated reception site as soon as it is
operational. If any CAAF does not have the proper documentation, the person will be refused
entry into the theater, and the contracting officer will notify the contractor to take action to
resolve the reason for the lack of proper documentation for performing in that area. Should the
contractor fail to take that action, the person shall be sent back to his or her departure point, or
directed to the Service component command or Defense Agency responsible for that specific
contract for theater entrance processing.
b. Contractor Use Restrictions. CCDRs, through their respective contracting officers or their
representatives, may place specific restrictions on locations or timing of contracted support based
on the prevailing operational situation, in coordination with subordinate commanders and the
applicable Defense Agencies.
c. Contractor Security Screening. Contractor screening requirements for CAAF and non-
CAAF who require access to U.S. facilities will be integrated into OPSEC programs and plans.
d. Contractor Conduct and Discipline. Terms and conditions of contracts shall require that
CAAF comply with theater orders, applicable directives, laws, and regulations, and that
employee discipline is maintained. Non-CAAF who require base access will be directed to
follow base force protection and security related procedures as applicable.
(1) Contracting officers are the legal link between the requiring activity and the
contractor. The contracting officer may appoint a designee (usually a contracting officer
representative (COR)) as a liaison between the contracting officer and the contractor and
requiring activity. This designee monitors and reports contractor performance and requiring
activity concerns to the contracting officer. The requiring activity has no direct contractual
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relationship with or authority over the contractor. However, the ranking military commander
may, in emergency situations (e.g., enemy or terrorist actions or natural disaster), urgently
recommend or issue warnings or messages urging that CAAF and non-CAAF personnel take
emergency actions to remove themselves from harm’s way or take other appropriate self-
protective measures.
(2) The contractor is responsible for disciplining contingency contractor personnel.
However, in accordance with paragraph h(1) of subpart 252.225-7040 of Reference (e), the
contracting officer may direct the contractor, at its own expense, to remove and replace any
contingency contractor personnel who jeopardize or interfere with mission accomplishment, or
whose actual field performance (certification/professional standard) is well below that stipulated
in the contract, or who fail to comply with or violate applicable requirements of the contract.
Such action may be taken at Government discretion without prejudice to its rights under any
other provision of the contract, including the Termination for Default. A commander also has
the authority to take certain actions affecting contingency contractor personnel, such as the
ability to revoke or suspend security access or impose restrictions from access to military
installations or specific worksites.
(3) CAAF, with some restrictions (e.g., LN CAAF are not subject to MEJA), are subject
to prosecution under MEJA and UCMJ in accordance with References (j) and (l). Commanders
possess significant authority to act whenever criminal activity is committed by anyone subject to
MEJA and UCMJ that relates to or affects the commander’s responsibilities. This includes
situations in which the alleged offender’s precise identity or actual affiliation is to that point
undetermined. Reference (l) sets forth the scope of this command authority in detail.
Contracting officers will ensure that contractors are made aware of their status and liabilities as
CAAF and the required training requirements associated with this status. Subject to local or HN
law, SOFA, and the jurisdiction of the Department of State (e.g., consulate or chief of mission)
over civilians in another country, commanders retain authority to respond to an incident, restore
safety and order, investigate, apprehend suspected offenders, and otherwise address the
immediate needs of the situation.
(4) The Department of Justice may prosecute misconduct under applicable Federal laws,
including MEJA and section 2441 of Reference (j). Contingency contractor personnel are also
subject to the domestic criminal laws of the local nation absent a SOFA or international
agreement to the contrary. When confronted with disciplinary problems involving contingency
contractor personnel, commanders shall seek the assistance of their legal staff, the contracting
officer responsible for the contract, and the contractor’s management team.
(5) In the event of an investigation of reported offenses alleged to have been committed
by or against contractor personnel, appropriate investigative authorities shall keep the contracting
officer informed, to the extent possible without compromising the investigation, if the alleged
offense has a potential contract performance implication.
e. Force Protection and Weapons Issuance. CCDRs shall develop security plans for
protection of CAAF and selected non-CAAF (e.g., those working on a military facility or as
otherwise determined by the operational commander) in locations where the civil authority is
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either insufficient or illegitimate, and the commander determines it is in the interests of the
Government to provide security because the contractor cannot obtain effective private security
services; such services are unavailable at a reasonable cost; or threat conditions necessitate
security through military means.
(1) In appropriate cases, the CCDR may provide security through military means
commensurate with the level of security provided DoD civilians. Specific security measures
shall be mission and situation dependent as determined by the CCDR and provided to the
contracting officer. The contracting officer shall include in the contract the level of protection to
be provided to contingency contractor personnel as determined by the CCDR or subordinate JFC.
Specific procedures for determining requirements for and integrating contractors into the joint
operational area (JOA) force protection structure will be placed on the geographic CCDR
(2) Contracts shall require all contingency contractor personnel to comply with
applicable CCDR and local commander force protection policies. Contingency contractor
personnel working within a U.S. Military facility or in close proximity of U.S. Military forces
may receive incidentally the benefits of measures undertaken to protect U.S. forces in
accordance with Reference (as). However, it may be necessary for contingency contractor
personnel to be armed for individual self-defense. Procedures for arming for individual self-
defense are:
(a) According to applicable U.S., HN, or international law; relevant SOFAs;
international agreements; or other arrangements with local authorities and on a case-by-case
basis when military force protection and legitimate civil authority are deemed unavailable or
insufficient, the CCDR (or a designee no lower than the general/flag officer level) may authorize
contingency contractor personnel to be armed for individual self-defense.
(b) The appropriate SJA to the CCDR shall review all applications for arming
contingency contractor personnel on a case-by-case basis to ensure there is a legal basis for
approval. In reviewing applications, CCDRs shall apply the criteria mandated for arming
contingency contractor personnel for private security services provided in paragraph 4.f. of this
enclosure and Reference (aq). In such cases, the contractor will validate to the contracting
officer, or designee, that weapons familiarization, qualification, and briefings regarding the rules
for the use of force have been provided to contingency contractor personnel in accordance with
CCDR policies. Acceptance of weapons by contractor personnel shall be voluntary and
permitted by the defense contractor and the contract. In accordance with paragraph (j) of subpart
252.225-7040 of Reference (e), the contract shall require that the defense contractor ensure such
personnel are not prohibited by U.S. law from possessing firearms.
(c) When armed for personal protection, contingency contractor personnel are only
authorized to use force for individual self-defense. Unless immune from local laws or HN
jurisdiction by virtue of an international agreement or international law, the contract shall include
language advising contingency contractor personnel that the inappropriate use of force could
subject them to U.S. and local or HN prosecution and civil liability.
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f. Use of Contractor Personnel for Private Security Services. If, consistent with applicable
U.S., local, and international laws; relevant HN agreements, or other international agreements
and this Instruction, a defense contractor may be authorized to provide private security services
for other than uniquely military functions as identified in Reference (f). Specific procedures
relating to contingency contractor personnel providing private security services are provided in
Reference (aq).
g. Personnel Recovery, Missing Persons, and Casualty Reporting
(1) DoDD 3002.01 (Reference (av)) outlines the DoD personnel recovery program and
JP 3-50 (Reference (aw)) details its doctrine. The DoD personnel recovery program covers all
CAAF employees regardless of their citizenship. If a CAAF becomes isolated or unaccounted
for, the contractor must expeditiously file a search and rescue incident report (SARIR) (available
and-rescue-inciden.shtml) to the theater’s personnel recovery architecture, i.e., the component
personnel recovery coordination cell or the Combatant Command joint personnel recovery
(2) Upon recovery following an isolating event, a CAAF returnee shall enter the first of
three phases of reintegration in DoDI 3002.03 (Reference (ax)). The additional phases of
reintegration in Reference (ax) shall be offered to the returnee to ensure his or her physical and
psychological well being while adjusting to the post-captivity environment.
(3) Accounting for missing persons, including contractors, is addressed in DoDD
2310.07E (Reference (ay)). Evacuation of dependents of contractor personnel is addressed in
DoDD 3025.14 (Reference (az)). All CAAF and non-CAAF casualties shall be reported in
accordance with JP 1-0 and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
(ASD(L&MR)) SPOT Business Rules (References (ba) and (bb)).
h. Mortuary Affairs
(1) CAAF who die while in support of U.S. forces shall be covered on a reimbursable
basis by the DoD mortuary affairs program as described in DoDD 1300.22 (Reference (bc)).
Every effort shall be made to identify remains and account for un-recovered remains of
contractors and their dependents who die in military operations, training accidents, and other
multiple fatality incidents. The remains of CAAF who are fatalities resulting from an incident in
support of military operations deserve and shall receive the same dignity and respect afforded
military remains.
(2) The DoD may provide mortuary support for the disposition of remains and personal
effects at the request of the Department of State. The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel
and Readiness (USD(P&R)) shall coordinate this support with the Department of State to include
cost reimbursement, where appropriate. The disposition of non-CAAF contractors (LNs and
TCNs) shall be given the same dignity and respect afforded U.S. personnel. The responsibility
for coordinating the transfer of these remains to the HN or affected nation resides with the
geographic CCDR in coordination and conjunction with the Department of State and other
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federal agencies through the embassies or the International Committee of the Red Cross, the
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies as appropriate, and in
accordance with applicable contract provisions.
i. Medical Support and Evacuation. Theater-specific contract language to clarify available
healthcare can be found on the CCDR websites. During applicable contingency operations in
austere, uncertain, and/or hostile environments, CAAF may encounter situations in which they
are unable to access medical support on the local economy. Generally, the DoD will only
provide resuscitative care, stabilization, hospitalization at military medical treatment facilities
(MTFs), and assistance with patient movement in emergencies where loss of life, limb, or
eyesight could occur. In accordance with DoDI 6000.11 (Reference (bd)), all costs associated
with the treatment and transportation of CAAF to the selected civilian facility are reimbursable
to the Government and shall be the responsibility of contractor personnel, their employers, or
their health insurance providers. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to affect the allowability
of costs incurred under a contingency contract. Medical support and evacuation procedures are:
(1) Emergency Medical and Dental Care. All CAAF will normally be afforded
emergency medical and dental care if injured while supporting contingency operations.
Additionally, non-CAAF employees who are injured while in the vicinity of U.S. forces will also
normally receive emergency medical and dental care. Emergency medical and dental care
includes medical care situations in which life, limb, or eyesight is jeopardized. Examples of
emergency medical and dental care include examination and initial treatment of victims of sexual
assault; refills of prescriptions for life-dependent drugs; repair of broken bones, lacerations,
infections; and traumatic injuries to the dentition.
(2) Primary Care. Primary medical or dental care normally will not be authorized or be
provided to CAAF by MTFs. When required and authorized by the CCDR or subordinate JFC,
this support must be specifically authorized under the terms and conditions of the contract and
detailed in the corresponding LOA. Primary care is not authorized for non-CAAF employees.
Primary care includes routine inpatient and outpatient services, non-emergency evacuation,
pharmaceutical support, dental services, and other medical support as determined by appropriate
military authorities based on recommendations from the joint force command surgeon and on the
existing capabilities of the forward-deployed MTFs.
(3) Long-Term Care. The DoD shall not provide long-term care to contractor personnel.
(4) Quarantine or Restriction of Movement. The CCDR or subordinate commander has
the authority to quarantine or restrict movement of contractor personnel according to DoDI
6200.03 (Reference (be)).
(5) Evacuation. Patient movement of CAAF shall be performed in accordance with
Reference (bd). When CAAF are evacuated for medical reasons from the designated operational
area to MTFs funded by the Defense Health Program, normal reimbursement policies will apply
for services rendered by the facility. Should CAAF require medical evacuation outside the
continental United States (OCONUS), the sending MTF staff shall assist CAAF in making
arrangements for transfer to a civilian facility of their choice. When U.S. forces provide
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emergency medical care to non-CAAF, these patients will be evacuated or transported via
national means (when possible) to their local medical systems.
j. Other Government-Furnished Support. In accordance with DoD Component policy and
consistent with applicable laws and international agreements, Government-furnished support
may be authorized or required when CAAF and selected non-CAAF are deployed with or
otherwise provide support in the theater of operations to U.S. Military forces deployed
OCONUS. Types of support are listed in Reference (y) and may include transportation to and
within the operational area, mess operations, quarters, phone service, religious support, and
(1) In operations where no reliable or local mail service is available, CAAF who are U.S.
citizens will be authorized postal support in accordance with DoD 4525.6-M (Reference (bf)).
CAAF who are not U.S. citizens will be afforded occasional mail service necessary to mail their
pay checks back to their homes of record.
(2) Morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) and exchange services will be authorized for
CAAF who are U.S. citizens in accordance with section 133 of Reference (k). CAAF who are
not U.S. citizens and non-CAAF are not authorized MWR and exchange services.
5. REDEPLOYMENT PROCEDURES. The considerations in this section are applicable during
the redeployment of CAAF.
a. Transportation Out of Theater. When the terms and conditions of the contract state that
the Government shall provide transportation out of theater:
(1) Upon completion of the deployment or other authorized release, the Government
shall, in accordance with each individual’s LOA, provide contractor employees transportation
from the theater of operations to the location from which they deployed, unless otherwise
(2) Prior to redeployment from the AOR, the contractor employee, through their defense
contractor, shall coordinate contractor exit times and transportation with the continental United
States (CONUS) Replacement Center (CRC) or designated reception site. Additionally,
intelligence out-briefs must be completed and customs and immigration briefings and inspections
must be conducted. CAAF are subject to customs and immigration processing procedures at all
designated stops and their final destination during their redeployment. CAAF returning to the
United States are subject to U.S. reentry customs requirements in effect at the time of reentry.
b. Post-Deployment Health Assessment. In accordance with Reference (ao), contracts shall
require that CAAF complete a post-deployment health assessment in the Defense Medical
Surveillance System (DMSS) at the termination of the deployment (within 30 days of
redeployment). These assessments will only be used by the DoD to accomplish population-wide
assessments for epidemiological purposes, and to help identify trends related to health outcomes
and possible exposures. They will not be used for individual purposes in diagnosing conditions
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or informing individuals they require a medical follow-up. Diagnosing conditions requiring
medical referral is a function of the contractor.
c. Redeployment Center Procedures. In most instances, the deployment center/site that
prepared the CAAF for deployment will serve as the return processing center. As part of CAAF
redeployment processing, the deployment center/site personnel will screen contractor records,
recover Government-issued identification cards and equipment, and conduct debriefings as
appropriate. The amount of time spent at the return processing center will be the minimum
required to complete the necessary administrative procedures.
(1) A special effort will be made to collect all common access cards (CACs) from
returning deployed contractors.
(2) Contractor employees are required to return any issued clothing and equipment.
Lost, damaged, or destroyed clothing and equipment shall be reported in accordance with
procedures of the issuing facility. Contractor employees shall also receive a post-deployment
medical briefing on signs and symptoms of diseases to watch for, such as tuberculosis. As some
countries hosting an intermediate staging base may not permit certain items to enter their
borders, some clothing and equipment, whether issued by the contractor, purchased by the
employee, or provided by the Government, may not be permitted to exit the AOR. In this case,
alternate methods of accounting for Government-issued equipment and clothing will be used
according to CCDR or JFC guidance and contract language.
d. Update to SPOT. Contracting officers or their designated representative must verify that
defense contractors have updated SPOT to reflect their employee’s change in status within 3
days of his or her redeployment as well as close out the deployment and collect or revoke the
e. Transportation to Home Destination. Transportation of CAAF from the deployment
center/site to the home destination is the employer’s responsibility. Government reimbursement
to the employer for travel will be determined by the terms and conditions of the contract.
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a. DoD contracts requiring the deployment of CAAF shall include medical and dental fitness
requirements as specified in this enclosure. Under the terms and conditions of their contracts,
defense contractors shall provide personnel who meet such medical and dental requirements as
specified in their contracts.
b. The geographic CCDR will establish theater-specific medical qualifications. When
exceptions to these standards are requested through the contracting officer, the geographic
CCDR will establish a process for reviewing such exceptions and ensuring that a mechanism is
in place to track and archive all approved and denied waivers, including the medical condition
requiring the waiver.
c. The geographic CCDR shall also ensure that processes and procedures are in place to
remove contractor personnel in theater who are not medically qualified, once so identified by a
healthcare provider. The geographic CCDR shall ensure appropriate language regarding
procedures and criteria for requiring removal of contractor personnel identified as no longer
medically qualified is developed, is posted on the CCDR OCS website, and also ensure
contracting officers incorporate the same into all contracts for performance in the AOR.
d. Unless otherwise stated in the contract, all pre-, during-, and post-deployment medical
evaluations and treatment are the responsibility of the contractor.
a. All CAAF deploying in support of a contingency operation must be medically, dentally,
and psychologically fit for deployment as stated in DoDD 6200.04 (Reference (bg)). Fitness
specifically includes the ability to accomplish the tasks and duties unique to a particular
operation and the ability to tolerate the environmental and operational conditions of the deployed
location. Under the terms and conditions of their contracts, defense contractors will provide
medically, dentally, and psychologically fit contingency contractor personnel to perform
contracted duties.
b. Just as military personnel must pass a complete health evaluation, CAAF shall have a
similar evaluation based on the functional requirements of the job. All CAAF must undergo a
medical and dental assessment within 12 months prior to arrival at the designated deployment
center or Government-authorized contractor-performed deployment processing facility. This
assessment should emphasize diagnosing cardiovascular, pulmonary, orthopedic, neurologic,
endocrinologic, dermatologic, psychological, visual, auditory, dental, and other systemic disease
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conditions that may preclude performing the functional requirements of the contract, especially
in the austere work environments encountered in some contingency operations.
c. In accordance with Reference (ao), contracts shall require that CAAF complete a pre-
deployment health assessment in the DMSS at the designated deployment center or a
Government-authorized contractor-performed deployment processing facility. These
assessments will only be used by the DoD to accomplish population-wide assessments for
epidemiological purposes, and to help identify trends related to health outcomes and possible
exposures. They will not be used for individual purposes in diagnosing conditions or informing
individuals they require a medical follow-up. Diagnosing conditions requiring medical referral
is a function of the contractor.
d. In general, CAAF who have any of the medical conditions in section 10 of this enclosure,
based on an individual assessment pursuant to Reference (ao), should not deploy.
e. Individuals who are deemed not medically qualified at the deployment center or at any
period during the deployment process based upon an individual assessment, or who require
extensive preventive dental care (see subparagraph 10.b.(25) of this enclosure) will not be
authorized to deploy.
f. Non-CAAF shall be medically screened when specified by the requiring activity, for the
class of labor that is being considered (e.g., LNs working in a dining facility).
g. Contracts shall require contractors to replace individuals who develop, at any time during
their deployment, conditions that cause them to become medically unqualified.
h. In accordance with Reference (ao), contracts shall require that CAAF complete a post-
deployment health assessment in DMSS at the termination of the deployment (within 30 days of
3. GLASSES AND CONTACT LENSES. If vision correction is required, contractor personnel
will be required to have two pair of glasses. A written prescription may also be provided to the
supporting military medical component so that eyeglass inserts for use in a compatible chemical
protective mask can be prepared. If the type of protective mask to be issued is known and time
permits, the preparation of eyeglass inserts should be completed prior to deployment. Wearing
contact lenses in a field environment is not recommended and is at the contingency contractor
employee’s own risk due to the potential for irreversible eye damage caused by debris, chemical
or other hazards present, and the lack of ophthalmologic care in a field environment.
4. MEDICATIONS. Other than force health protection prescription products (FHPPPs) to be
provided to CAAF and selected non-CAAF, contracts shall require that contractor personnel
deploy with a minimum 90-day supply of any required medications obtained at their own
expense. Contractor personnel must be aware that deployed medical units are equipped and
staffed to provide emergency care to healthy adults. They will not be able to provide or replace
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many medications required for routine treatment of chronic medical conditions, such as high
blood pressure, heart conditions, and arthritis. The contract shall require contractor personnel to
review both the amount of the medication and its suitability in the foreign area with their
personal physician and make any necessary adjustments before deploying. The contract shall
require the contractor to be responsible for the re-supply of required medications.
5. COMFORT ITEMS. The contract shall require that CAAF take spare hearing-aid batteries,
sunglasses, insect repellent, sunscreen, and any other supplies related to their individual physical
requirements. These items will not be provided by DoD sources.
6. IMMUNIZATIONS. A list of immunizations, both those required for entry into the
designated area of operations and those recommended by medical authorities, shall be produced
for each deployment; posted to the geographic CCDR website or other venue, as appropriate; and
incorporated in contracts for performance in the designated AOR.
a. The geographic CCDR, upon the recommendation of the appropriate medical authority
(e.g., Combatant Command surgeon), shall provide guidance and a list of immunizations
required to protect against communicable diseases judged to be a potential hazard to the health of
those deploying to the applicable theater of operation. The Combatant Command surgeon of the
deployed location shall prepare and maintain this list.
b. The contract shall require that CAAF be appropriately immunized before completing the
pre-deployment process.
c. The Government shall provide military-specific vaccinations and immunizations (e.g.,
anthrax, smallpox) during pre-deployment processing. However, the contract shall stipulate that
CAAF obtain all other immunizations (e.g., yellow fever, tetanus, typhoid, flu, hepatitis A and B,
meningococcal, and tuberculin (TB) skin testing) prior to arrival at the deployment center.
d. Theater-specific medical supplies and FHPPPs, such as anti-malarials and pyridostigmine
bromide, will be provided to CAAF and selected non-CAAF on the same basis as they are to
active duty military members. Additionally, CAAF will be issued deployment medication
information sheets for all vaccines or deployment-related medications that are dispensed or
e. A TB skin test is required within 3 months prior to deployment. Additionally, the contract
shall stipulate that CAAF and selected non-CAAF bring to the JOA a current copy of Public
Health Service Form 791, “International Certificate of Vaccination,” (also known as “shot
record,” available for purchase at
for contingency contractor personnel unless specified by an agreement or by local requirements.
HIV testing, if required, shall occur within 1 year before deployment.
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INDENTIFICATION OF REMAINS (AFRSSIR). For identification of remains purposes, all
CAAF who are U.S. citizens shall obtain a dental panograph and provide a specimen sample
suitable for DNA analysis prior to or during deployment processing. The DoD Components
shall ensure that all contracts require CAAF who are U.S. citizens to provide specimens for
AFRSSIR as a condition of employment according to DoDI 5154.30 (Reference (bh)).
Specimens shall be collected and managed as provided in paragraphs a. through c. of this section.
a. All CAAF who are U.S. citizens processing through a deployment center will have a
sample collected and forwarded to the AFRSSIR for storage. Contracts shall require contractors
to verify in SPOT or its successor that AFRSSIR has received the sample or that the DNA
reference specimen sample has been collected by the contractor.
b. If CAAF who are U.S. citizens do not process through a deployment center or the defense
contractor is authorized to process its own personnel, the contract shall require that the contractor
make its own arrangements for collection and storage of the DNA reference specimen through a
private facility, or arrange for the storage of the specimen by contacting AFRSSIR. Regardless
of what specimen collection and storage arrangements are made, all defense contractors
deploying CAAF who are U.S. citizens must provide the CAAF name and Social Security
number, location of the sample, facility contact information, and retrieval plan to AFRSSIR. If
AFRSSIR is not used and a CAAF who is a U.S. citizen becomes a casualty, the defense
contractor must be able to retrieve identification media for use by the Armed Forces Medical
Examiner (AFME) or other competent authority to conduct a medical-legal investigation of the
incident and identification of the victim(s). These records must be retrievable within 24 hours
for forwarding to the AFME when there is a reported incident that would necessitate its use
for human remains identification purposes. The defense contractor shall have access to:
(1) Completed DD Form 93 or equivalent record.
(2) Location of employee medical and dental records, including panograph.
(3) Location of employee fingerprint record.
c. In accordance with Reference (bh), AFRSSIR is responsible for implementing special
rules and procedures to ensure the protection of privacy interests in the specimen samples and
any DNA analysis of those samples. Specimen samples shall only be used for the purposes
outlined in Reference (bh). Other details, including retention and destruction requirements of
DNA samples, are addressed in Reference (bh).
9. PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS. All evaluations of pre-existing medical
conditions should be accomplished prior to deployment. Personnel who have pre-existing
medical conditions may deploy if all of these conditions are met:
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a. The condition is not of such a nature that an unexpected worsening is likely to have a
medically grave outcome or a negative impact on mission execution.
b. The condition is stable and reasonably anticipated by the pre-deployment medical
evaluator not to worsen during the deployment under contractor-provided medical care in-theater
in light of the physical, physiological, psychological, environmental, and nutritional effects of
the duties and location.
c. Any required ongoing health care or medications must be available or accessible to the
contractor, independent of the military health system, and have no special handling, storage, or
other requirements (e.g., refrigeration requirements and/or cold chain, electrical power
requirements) that cannot be met in the specific theater of operations. Personnel must deploy
with a minimum 90-day supply of prescription medications other than FHPPPs.
d. The condition does not and is not anticipated to require duty limitations that would
preclude performance of duty or to impose accommodation. (The nature of the accommodation
must be considered. The Combatant Command surgeon (or his delegated representative) is the
appropriate authority to evaluate the suitability of the individual’s limitations in-theater.)
e. There is no need for routine out-of-theater evacuation for continuing diagnostics or other
a. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. A list of all possible diagnoses and their
severity that should not be approved would be too expansive to list in this Instruction. In
general, individuals with the conditions in subparagraphs b.(1) through b.(30) of this section,
based on an individual assessment pursuant to Reference (ao), will not normally be approved for
deployment. The medical evaluator must carefully consider whether climate; altitude; nature of
available food and housing; availability of medical, behavioral health, and dental services; or
other environmental and operational factors may be hazardous to the deploying person’s health
because of a known physical or mental condition.
b. Medical clearance for deployment of persons with any of the conditions in this section
shall be granted only after consultation with the appropriate Combatant Command surgeon. The
Combatant Command surgeon makes recommendations and serves as the geographic CCDR
advisor; however, the geographic CCDR is the final approval or disapproval authority except as
provided in paragraph 11.c. of this enclosure. The Combatant Command surgeon can determine
if adequate treatment facilities and specialist support is available at the duty station for:
(1) Physical or psychological conditions resulting in the inability to effectively wear IPE,
including protective mask, ballistic helmet, body armor, and CBRN protective ensemble,
regardless of the nature of the condition that causes the inability to wear the equipment if
wearing such equipment may be reasonably anticipated or required in the deployed location.
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(2) Conditions that prohibit immunizations or use of FHPPs required for the specific
deployment. Depending on the applicable threat assessment, required FHPPs, vaccines, and
countermeasures may include atropine, epinephrine and/or 2-pam chloride auto-injectors, certain
antimicrobials, antimalarials, and pyridostigmine bromide.
(3) Any chronic medical condition that requires frequent clinical visits, that fails to
respond to adequate conservative treatment, or that necessitates significant limitation of physical
(4) Any medical condition that requires durable medical equipment or appliances or that
requires periodic evaluation and/or treatment by medical specialists not readily available in
theater (e.g., CPAC machine for sleep apnea).
(5) Any unresolved acute or chronic illness or injury that would impair duty performance
in a deployed environment during the duration of the deployment.
(6) Active tuberculosis or known blood-borne diseases that may be transmitted to others
in a deployed environment. (For HIV infections, see subparagraph b.(17) of this section.)
(7) An acute exacerbation of a physical or mental health condition that could affect duty
(8) Recurrent loss of consciousness for any reason.
(9) Any medical condition that could result in sudden incapacitation including a history
of stroke within the last 24 months, seizure disorders, and diabetes mellitus type I or II, treated
with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.
(10) Hypertension not controlled with medication or that requires frequent monitoring to
achieve control.
(11) Pregnancy.
(12) Cancer for which the individual is receiving continuing treatment or that requires
periodic specialty medical evaluations during the anticipated duration of the deployment.
(13) Precancerous lesions that have not been treated and/or evaluated and that require
treatment and/or evaluation during the anticipated duration of the deployment.
(14) Any medical condition that requires surgery or for which surgery has been
performed that requires rehabilitation or additional surgery to remove devices.
(15) Asthma that has a Forced Expiratory Volume-1 (FEV-1) of less than or equal to 50
percent of predicted FEV-1 despite appropriate therapy, that has required hospitalization at least
2 times in the last 12 months, or that requires daily systemic oral or injectable steroids.
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(16) Any musculoskeletal condition that significantly impairs performance of duties in a
deployed environment.
(17) HIV antibody positive with the presence of progressive clinical illness or
immunological deficiency. The Combatant Command surgeon should be consulted in all
instances of HIV seropositivity before medical clearance for deployment.
(18) Hearing loss. The requirement for use of a hearing aid does not necessarily
preclude deployment. However, the individual must have sufficient unaided hearing to perform
duties safely.
(19) Loss of vision. Best corrected visual acuity must meet job requirements to safely
perform duties.
(20) Symptomatic coronary artery disease.
(21) History of myocardial infarction within 1 year of deployment.
(22) History of coronary artery bypass graft, coronary artery angioplasty, carotid
endarterectomy, other arterial stenting, or aneurysm repair within 1 year of deployment.
(23) Cardiac dysrhythmias or arrhythmias, either symptomatic or requiring medical or
electrophysiologic control (presence of an implanted defibrillator and/or pacemaker).
(24) Heart failure.
(25) Individuals without a dental exam within the last 12 months or who are likely to
require dental treatment or reevaluation for oral conditions that are likely to result in dental
emergencies within 12 months.
(26) Psychotic and/or bipolar disorders. For detailed guidance on deployment-limiting
psychiatric conditions or psychotropic medications, see Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Health Affairs (ASD(HA)) Memorandum (Reference (bi)).
(27) Psychiatric disorders under treatment with fewer than 3 months of demonstrated
(28) Clinical psychiatric disorders with residual symptoms that impair duty performance.
(29) Mental health conditions that pose a substantial risk for deterioration and/or
recurrence of impairing symptoms in the deployed environment.
(30) Chronic medical conditions that require ongoing treatment with antipsychotics,
lithium, or anticonvulsants.
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11. EXCEPTIONS TO MEDICAL STANDARDS (WAIVERS). If a contractor believes an
individual CAAF employee with one of the conditions listed in subparagraphs 10.b.(1) through
10.b.(30) of this enclosure can accomplish his or her tasks and duties and tolerate the
environmental and operational conditions of the deployed location, the contractor may request a
waiver for that individual through the contracting officer or designee.
a. Waivers are unlikely for contractor personnel and an explanation should be given as to
why other persons who meet the medical standards could not be identified to fulfill the deployed
duties. Waivers and requests for waivers will include a summary of a detailed medical
evaluation or consultation concerning the medical condition(s). Maximization of mission
accomplishment and the protection of the health of personnel are the ultimate goals. Justification
will include statements indicating the CAAF member’s experience, position to be placed in, any
known specific hazards of the position, anticipated availability and need for care while deployed,
and the benefit expected to accrue from the waiver.
b. Medical clearance to deploy or continue serving in a deployed environment for persons
with any of the conditions in subparagraphs 10.b.(1) through 10.b.(30) of this enclosure must
have the concurrence by the Combatant Command surgeon, or his designee, who will
recommend approval or disapproval to the geographic CCDR. The geographic CCDR, or his
designee, is the final decision authority for approvals and disapprovals.
c. For CAAF employees working with Special Operations Forces personnel who have
conditions in subparagraphs 10.b.(1) through 10.b.(30) of this enclosure, medical clearance may
be granted after consultation with the appropriate Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC)
surgeon. The TSOC surgeon, in coordination with the Combatant Command surgeon and senior
in-theater medical authority, will ascertain the capability and availability of treatment facilities
and specialist support in the general duty area versus the operational criticality of the particular
SOF member. The TSOC surgeon will recommend approval or disapproval to the TSOC
Commander. The TSOC Commander is the final approval or disapproval authority.
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1. USD(AT&L). The USD(AT&L) shall develop, coordinate, establish, and oversee the
implementation of DoD policy for managing OCS.
2. DIRECTOR, DPAP. The Director, DPAP, under the authority, direction, and control of the
USD(AT&L), shall:
a. Oversee all acquisition and procurement policy matters including the development of DoD
policies for contingency contracting and the coordinated development and publication of contract
prescriptions and standardized contract clauses in Reference (e) and associated contracting
officer guidance in Reference (y). This includes working collaboratively with OSD Principal
Staff Assistants, CJCS representatives, and the DoD Component Heads in the development of
OCS related policies and ensuring that contracting equities are addressed.
b. Develop contingency contracting policy and implement other OCS related policies into
DFARS in support of applicable contingency operations.
c. Ensure implementation by contracting officers and CORs of relevant laws and policies in
References (d), (e), and (y).
d. Propose legislative initiatives that support accomplishment of the contingency contracting
e. Improve DoD business processes for contingency contracting while working in
conjunction with senior procurement executives across the DoD. Assist other OSD Principal
Staff Assistants, CJCS representatives, and DoD Component Heads in efforts to improve other
OCS related business processes by ensuring contracting equities and interrelationships are
properly addressed.
f. Support efforts to resource the OCS toolset under the lead of the Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Program Support (DASD(PS)) pursuant to subparagraph 3.f.(2) of this
g. Coordinate activities with other Government agencies to provide unity of effort. Maintain
an open, user-friendly source for reports and lessons learned and ensure their coordinated
development and publication through participation on the FAR Council.
h. As a member of the Contracting Functional Integrated Planning Team, collaborate with
the Defense Acquisition University to offer education for all contingency contracting personnel.
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i. Participate in the OCS Functional Capability Integration Board (FCIB) to facilitate
development of standard joint OCS concepts, policies, doctrine, processes, plans, programs,
tools, reporting, and training to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
j. In concert with the supported Combatant Commander, coordinate in advance of execution
Executive Agency for Head of Contracting Activity requisite OPLANS, CONPLANS, and
operations, where a lead service or a Joint Theater Support Contracting Command (JTSCC) will
be established.
3. DASD(PS). The DASD(PS), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L)
through the ASD(L&MR), is responsible for oversight and management to enable the
orchestration, integration, and synchronization of the preparation and execution of acquisitions
for DoD contingency operations, and shall:
a. Coordinate policy relating to field operations and contingency contractor personnel in
forward areas and the battlespace. In cooperation with the Joint Staff, Military Departments, and
OSD, serve as the DoD focal point for the community of practice and the community of interest
for efforts to improve OCS program management and oversight.
b. Co-chair with the Vice Director, Directorate for Logistics, Joint Staff, (VDJ4) the OCS
FCIB to lead and coordinate OCS with OSD, Military Department, and Defense Agency senior
procurement officers in accordance with the OCS FCIB Charter (Reference (bj)).
c. Ensure integration of joint OCS activities across other joint capability areas and joint
warfighting functions.
d. Provide input to the Logistics Capability Portfolio Manager and the CJCS in the
development of capability priorities; review final capability priorities; and provide advice to the
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) in developing the Quadrennial Defense Review
(Reference (bk) and defense planning and programming guidance, as appropriate.
e. Serve as the DoD lead to:
(1) Develop a programmatic approach for the preparation and execution of orchestrating,
integrating, and synchronizing acquisitions for contingency operations.
(2) Establish and oversee DoD policies for OCS program management in the planning
and execution of combat, post-combat, and other contingency operations involving the Military
Departments, other Government agencies, multinational forces, and non-governmental
organizations, as required.
f. Improve DoD business practices for OCS.
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(1) In consultation with the USD(P&R); the Director, DPAP; and the CJCS, ensure a
joint web-based contract visibility and contractor personnel accountability system (currently
SPOT) is designated and implemented, including business rules for its use.
(2) Lead the effort to resource the OCS toolset providing improved OCS program
management, planning, OCS preparation of the battlefield, systems support, and theater support
contracts, contractor accountability systems, and automated contract process capabilities,
including reach back from remote locations to the national defense contract base (e.g., hardware
and software).
g. In consultation with the Heads of the OSD and DoD Components, provide oversight of
experimentation efforts focusing on concept development for OCS execution.
h. Serve as the DoD lead for the oversight of training and education of non-acquisition, non-
contracting personnel identified to support OCS efforts.
authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L), through the ASD(L&MR) shall, through
the Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (JCASO), provide enabler OCS support to
CCDR OCS planning efforts and training events, and, when requested, advise, assist, and support
JFC oversight of OCS operations. Specifically, the Director, JCASO, shall:
a. Provide OCS planning support to the CCDR through Joint OCS Planners embedded
within the geographic Combatant Command staff. Maintain situational awareness of all plans
with significant OCS equity for the purposes of exercise support and preparation for operational
deployment. From JCASO forward involvement in exercises and operational deployments,
develop and submit lessons learned that result in improved best practices and planning.
b. When requested, assist the Joint Staff in support of the Chairman’s OCS responsibilities
listed in paragraph 10 of this enclosure.
c. Facilitate improvement in OCS planning and execution through capture and review of
joint OCS lessons learned. In cooperation with the Joint Staff, the Military Services, other DoD
Components, and interagency partners, collect joint operations focused OCS lessons learned and
best practices from contingency operations and exercises to inform OCS policy and recommend
doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF)
d. Participate in joint exercises, derive OCS best practices from after-action reports and
refine tactics/techniques/procedures, deployment drills, and personal and functional training (to
include curriculum reviews and recommendations). Assist in the improvement of OCS related
policy, doctrine, rules, tools, and processes.
e. Provide the geographic CCDRs, when requested, with deployable experts to assist the
CCDR and subordinate JFCs in managing OCS requirements in a contingency environment.
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f. Practice continuous OCS-related engagement with interagency representatives and
multinational partners, as appropriate and consistent with existing authorities.
g. Participate in the OCS FCIB to facilitate development of standard joint OCS concepts,
policies, doctrine, processes, plans, programs, tools, reporting, and training to improve
effectiveness and efficiency.
DCMA, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L), through the
ASD(Acquisition), plans for and performs contingency contract administration services in
support of the CJCS and CCDRs in the planning and execution of military operations, consistent
with DCMA's established responsibilities and functions.
Principal Staff Assistant for intelligence, counterintelligence, and security in accordance with
DoDD 5143.01 (Reference (bl)), shall:
a. Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of DoD security programs and
guidance for those contractors covered in DoDI 5220.22 (Reference (bm)).
b. Assist the USD(AT&L) in determining appropriate contract clauses for intelligence,
counterintelligence, and security requirements.
c. Establish policy for contractor employees under the terms of the applicable contracts that
support background investigations in compliance with subparts 4.1301, 4.1303, and 52.204-9 of
Reference (d).
d. Coordinate security and counterintelligence policy affecting contract linguists with the
Secretary of the Army pursuant to Reference (ab).
7. ASD(HA). The ASD(HA), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R),
shall assist in the development of policy addressing the reimbursement of funds for qualifying
medical support received by contingency contractor personnel in applicable contingency
(DASD(READINESS)). The DASD(Readiness) under the authority, direction, and control of
the USD(P&R), shall develop policy and set standards for managing contract linguist
capabilities supporting the total force to include requirements for linguists and tracking linguist
and role players to ensure that force readiness and security requirements are met.
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DMDC, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), through the Director, DoD
Human Resources Activity, shall:
a. Serve as the central repository of information for all historical data on contractor
personnel who have been issued CAC and are included in SPOT or its successor, that is to be
b. Ensure all data elements of SPOT or its successor to be archived are USD(P&R)-approved
and DMDC-system compatible, and ensure the repository is protected at a level commensurate
with the sensitivity of the information contained therein.
develop policy addressing the reimbursement of funds for qualifying medical support received
by contingency contractor personnel in applicable contingency operations.
Departments and the Directors of the Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities shall
incorporate this Instruction into applicable policy, doctrine, programming, training, and
operations and ensure:
a. Assigned contracting activities populate SPOT with the required data in accordance with
Reference (bb) and that information has been reviewed for security and OPSEC concerns in
accordance with paragraph 3.c(2)(e) of Enclosure 2.
b. CAAF meet all theater and/or JOA admission procedures and requirements prior to
deploying to or entering the theater or JOA.
c. Contracting officers include in the contract:
(1) Appropriate terms and conditions and clause(s) in accordance with subpart 252.225-
7040 of Reference (e) and Reference (y).
(2) Specific deployment and theater admission requirements according to subpart
252.225-7040 of Reference (e), Reference (y), and the applicable CCDR websites.
(3) Specific medical preparation requirements according to paragraph 3.h. of Enclosure
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(4) The level of protection to be provided to contingency contractor personnel in
accordance with paragraph 4.e. of Enclosure 2. Contracting officers shall follow the procedures
on the applicable CCDR websites to obtain theater-specific requirements.
(5) Government-furnished support and equipment to be provided to contractor personnel
with prior coordination and approval of theater adjudication authorities, as referenced on the
applicable CCDR websites.
(6) A requirement for contractor personnel to show and have verified by the COR, proof
of professional certifications/proficiencies as stipulated in the contract
d. Standardized contract accountability financial and oversight processes are developed and
e. Requirements packages are completed to include all required documentation (e.g., letter of
justification, performance work statement, nominated COR, independent Government estimate
(IGE)) are completed and funding strategies are articulated and updated as required.
f. CORs are planned for, resourced, and sustained as necessary to ensure proper contract
management capabilities are in place and properly executed.
g. Assigned contracting activities plan for, and ensure the contractor plans for, the resources
necessary to implement and sustain contractor accountability in forward areas through SPOT or
its successor.
h. CSIPs and CMPs are developed as directed by the supported CCDR.
i. The risk of premature loss of mission-essential OCS is assessed and the mitigation of the
loss of contingency contractor personnel in wartime or contingency operations who are
performing essential contractor services is properly planned for.
j. Assigned contracting activities comply with theater business clearance and contract
administration delegation policies and processes when implemented by CCDRs to support any
phase of a contingency operation.
k. Agency equities are integrated and conducted in concert with the CCDR’s plans for OCS
intelligence of the battlefield.
l. The implementation of a certification of, and a waiver process for, contractor-performed
deployment and redeployment processing in lieu of a formally designated group, joint, or
Military Department deployment center.
m. Support the effort to resource the OCS toolset under the lead of the DASD(PS) pursuant
to subparagraph 3.h.(2) of this enclosure.
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12. CJCS. The CJCS shall:
a. Where appropriate, incorporate program management and elements of this Instruction into
joint doctrine, joint instructions and manuals, joint training, joint education, joint capability
development, joint strategic planning system (e.g., JOPES), and CCDR oversight.
b. Co-chair with theVDJ4 the OCS FCIB to lead and coordinate OCS with OSD, Military
Department, and Defense Agency senior procurement officers in accordance with Reference (bj).
Provide the OCS FCIB with input and awareness of the CJCS functions and activities as defined
in sections 153 and 155 of Reference (k).
c. Perform OCS related missions and functions as outlined in the Joint Staff Manual 5100.01
(Reference (bn)) and the Chairman’s authorities as defined in Reference (k).
CDRUSSOCOM (when they are the supported commander) shall:
a. Plan and execute OCS program management, contract support integration, and contractor
management actions in all applicable contingency operations in their AOR.
b. Conduct integrated planning to determine and synchronize contract support requirements
to facilitate OCS planning and contracting and contractor management oversight.
c. In coordination with the Services and functional components, identify military capabilities
shortfalls in all the joint warfighting functions that require contracted solutions. Ensure these
requirements are captured in the appropriate CCDR, subordinate JFC, Service component and
combat support agency CSIP or other appropriate section of the CONPLAN with TPFDD,
d. Require Service component commanders and supporting Defense Agencies and DoD
Field Activities to:
(1) Identify and incorporate contract support and operational acquisition requirements in
supporting plans to OPLANs and CONPLANs with TPFDD, and to synchronize their supporting
CSIPs, CMPs, and contracted requirements and execution plans within geographic CCDR
(2) Review their supporting CSIPs and CMPs and identify funding strategies for
particular contracted capabilities identified to support each OPLAN and CONPLAN.
(3) Develop acquisition-ready requirements documents as identified in CSIPs including
Performance Work Statements, IGEs, task order change documents, and sole source
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(4) Ensure CAAF and their equipment are incorporated into TPFDD development and
deployment execution processes in accordance with Reference (s).
(5) Ensure financial management policies and procedures are in place in accordance with
DoD 7000.14-R (Reference (bo)) and applicable service specific financial management
implementation guidance.”
e. Develop and publish comprehensive OCS plans. Synchronize OCS requirements among
all Service components and Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities operating within or in
support of their AORs. Optimize operational unity of effort by analyzing existing and projected
theater support and external support contracts to minimize, reduce, and eliminate redundant and
overlapping requirements and contracted capabilities.
f. Ensure OCS requirements for the Defense Agencies, multinational partners, and other
Governmental agencies are addressed and priorities of effort for resources are deconflicted and
synchronized with OCS to military forces.
g. Ensure policies and procedures are in place for reimbursing Government-furnished
support of contingency contractor personnel, including (but not limited to) subsistence, military
air, intra-theater lift, and medical treatment, when applicable.
h. Ensure CAAF and equipment requirements (regardless if provided by the Government or
the contractor) in support of an operation are incorporated into plan TPFDDs.
i. Review Service component assessments of the risk of premature loss of essential
contractor services and review contingency plans to mitigate potential premature loss of essential
contractor services.
j. Establish and communicate to contracting officers theater and/or JOA CAAF admission
procedures and requirements, including country and theater clearance, waiver authority,
immunizations, required training or equipment, and any restrictions necessary to ensure proper
deployment, visibility, security, accountability, and redeployment of CAAF to their AORs and/or
JOAs. Implement Reference (z).
k. Coordinate with the Office of the USD(P) to ensure special area, country, and theater
personnel clearance requirements are current in accordance with Reference (z), and coordinate
with affected agencies (e.g., Intelligence Community agencies) to ensure that entry requirements
do not impact mission accomplishment.
l. Determine and distribute specific theater OCS organizational guidance in plans, to include
command, control, and coordination, and HCA relationships.
m. Develop and distribute AOR/JOA-wide contractor management requirements, directives,
and procedures into a separate contractor management plan as an annex or the appropriate
section of the appropriate plan.
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n. Establish, staff, and execute appropriate OCS-related boards, centers, and working groups.
o. Integrate OCS into mission rehearsals and training exercises.
p. When contracts are being or will be executed in an AOR/JOA, designate and identify the
organization responsible for managing and prescribing processes to:
(1) Establish procedures and assign authorities for adjudicating requests for provision of
Government-furnished equipment and services to contractors when such support is operationally
required. This should include procedures for communicating approval to the requiring activity
and the contracting officer for incorporation into contracts.
(2) Authorize trained and qualified contractor personnel to carry weapons for personal
protection not related to the performance of contract-specific duties.
(3) Establish procedures for, including coordination of, inter-theater strategic movements
and intra-theater operational and tactical movements of contractor personnel and equipment.
(4) Collect information on and refer to the appropriate Government agency offenses,
arrests, and incidents of alleged misconduct committed by contractor personnel on or off-duty.
(5) Collect and maintain information relating to CAAF and selected non-CAAF
kidnappings, injuries, and deaths.
(6) Identify the minimum standards for conducting and processing background checks,
and for issuing access badges to HN, LN, and TCN personnel employed, directly or indirectly,
through Government-awarded contracts.
(7) Remove CAAF from the designated operational area who do not meet medical
deployment standards, whose contract period of performance has expired, or who are
noncompliant with contract requirements.
(8) Designate additional contractor personnel not otherwise covered by personnel
recovery policy for personnel recovery support in accordance with Reference (av).
(9) Ensure that contract oversight plans are developed, and that adequate personnel to
assist in contract administration are identified and requested, in either a separate contractor
management plan as an annex of plans and orders and/or within appropriate parts of plans and
(10) Develop a security plan for the protection of contingency contractor personnel
according to paragraph 4.e. of Enclosure 2.
(11) Develop and implement theater business clearance and, if required, Contract
Administration Delegation policies and procedures to ensure visibility of and a level of control
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over systems support and external support contracts providing or delivering contracted support in
contingency operations.
q. Enforce the individual arming policy and use of private security contractors in accordance
with Reference (aq) and DoDD 5210.56 (Reference (bp)).
r. Establish a process for reviewing exceptions to medical standards (waivers) for the
conditions in section 11 of Enclosure 3, including a mechanism to track and archive all approved
and denied waivers and the medical conditions requiring waiver. Additionally, serve as the final
approval/disapproval authority for all exceptions to this policy, except in special operations
where the TSOC commander has the final approval or disapproval authority.
s. Establish mechanisms for ensuring contractors are required to report offenses alleged to
have been committed by or against contractor personnel to appropriate investigative authorities.
t. Assign responsibility for providing victim and witness protection and assistance to
contractor personnel in connection with alleged offenses.
u. Ensure applicable predeployment, deployment, in-theater management, and redeployment
guidance and procedures are readily available and accessible by planners, requiring activities,
contracting officers, contractors, contractor personnel and other interested parties on a webpage,
and related considerations and requirements are integrated into contracts through contract terms,
consistent with security considerations and requirements.
v. Ensure OCS preparation of the battlefield is vetted with intelligence agencies when
w. Integrate OCS planning with operational planning across all primary and special staff
14. FUNCTIONAL CCDRS. The functional CCDRs utilizing OCS shall ensure their
Commands follow the procedures in this Instruction and applicable operational-specific guidance
provided by the supported geographic CCDR.
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AFME Armed Forces Medical Examiner
AFRSSIR Armed Forces Repository of Specimen Samples for the Identification
of Remains
AOR area of responsibility
ASD(HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
ASD(L&MR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
CAAF contractors authorized to accompany the force
CAC common access card
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear
CCDR Combatant Commander
CDRUSSOCOM Commander, United States Special Operations Command
CDRUSTRANSCOM Commander, United States Transportation Command
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CMP contractor management plan
CONPLAN concept plan
CONUS continental United States
COR contracting officer representative
CRC CONUS replacement center
CSIP contract support integration plan
DASD(PS) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Support
DASD(Readiness) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center
DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DoDI DoD Instruction
DoDD DoD Directive
DOTMLPF doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel, and
DPAP Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FCIB functional capability integration board
FEV-1 forced expiratory volume-1
FHPPP force health protection prescription product
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
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HN host nation
IG inherently governmental
IGE independent Government estimate
IPE individual protective equipment
JCASO Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office
JFC joint force commander
JOA joint operations area
JP joint publication
JTSCC Joint Theater Support Contracting Command
LN local national
LOA letter of authorization
MEJA Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act
MTF medical treatment facility
MWR morale, welfare, and recreation
OCONUS outside the continental United States
OCS operational contract support
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operational security
P.L. public law
SARIR search and rescue incident report
SJA staff judge advocate
SOFA status-of-forces agreement
SPOT Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker
TB tuberculin
TCN third country national
TPFDD time-phased force and deployment data
TSOC Theater Special Operations Command
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
U.S.C. United States Code
USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
USD(C)/CFO Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer,
Department of Defense
USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
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VDJ4 Vice Director, Director of Logistics, Joint Staff
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purposes of this Instruction.
acquisition. Defined in section 2.101 of Reference (d).
CAAF. Contractor personnel, including all tiers of subcontractor personnel, who are authorized
to accompany the force in applicable contingency operations and have been afforded CAAF
status through LOA. CAAF generally include all U.S. citizen and TCN employees not normally
residing within the operational area whose area of performance is in the direct vicinity of U.S.
forces and who routinely are co-located with U.S. forces (especially in non-permissive
environments). Personnel co-located with U.S. forces shall be afforded CAAF status through
LOA. In some cases, CCDR subordinate commanders may designate mission-essential HN or
LN contractor employees (e.g., interpreters) as CAAF. CAAF includes contractors identified as
contractors deploying with the force in References (a) and (av). CAAF status does not apply to
contractor personnel in support of contingencies within the boundaries and territories of the
United States.
contingency acquisition. The process of acquiring supplies, services, and construction in support
of contingency operations.
contingency contract. A legally binding agreement for supplies, services, and construction let by
Government contracting officers in the operational area, as well as other contracts that have a
prescribed area of performance within a designated operational area. Contingency contracts
include theater support, external support, and systems support contracts.
contingency contractor personnel. Individual contractors, individual subcontractors at all tiers,
contractor employees, and sub-contractor employees at all tiers under all contracts supporting the
Military Services during contingency operations.
contingency operation. Defined in Joint Publication 1-02 (Reference (bq)).
contingency program management. The process of planning, organizing, staffing, controlling,
and leading the OCS efforts to meet JFC objectives.
contract administration. A subset of contracting that includes efforts that ensure supplies and
services are delivered in accordance with the conditions and standards expressed in the contract.
Contract administration is the oversight function, from contract award to contract closeout,
performed by contracting professionals and designated non-contracting personnel.
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contract administration delegation. A CCDR policy or process related to theater business
clearance that allows the CCDR to exercise control over the assignment of contract
administration for that portion of contracted effort that relates to performance in, or delivery to,
designated area(s) of operations and allows the CCDR to exercise oversight to ensure the
contractor’s compliance with CCDR and subordinate task force commander policies, directives,
and terms and conditions. Whether the CCDR chooses to implement such a process depends on
the situation.
contracting. Defined in section 2.101 of Reference (d).
contracting officer. Defined in section 2.101 of Reference (d).
contractor management. The oversight and integration of contractor personnel and associated
equipment providing support to the joint force in a designated operational area.
COR. Defined in subpart 202.101 of Reference (e).
defense contractor. Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other legal
non-Federal entity that enters into a contract directly with the DoD to furnish services, supplies,
or construction. Foreign governments, representatives of foreign governments, or foreign
corporations wholly owned by foreign governments that have entered into contracts with the
DoD are not defense contractors.
designated reception site. The organization responsible for the reception, staging, integration,
and onward movement of contractors deploying during a contingency. The designated reception
site includes assigned joint reception centers and other Service or private reception sites.
essential contractor service. A service provided by a firm or an individual under contract to the
DoD to support vital systems including ships owned, leased, or operated in support of military
missions or roles at sea and associated support activities, including installation, garrison, base
support, and linguist/translator services considered of utmost importance to the U.S. mobilization
and wartime mission. The term also includes services provided to foreign military sales
customers under the Security Assistance Program. Services are considered essential because:
The DoD Components may not have military or DoD civilian employees to perform the
services immediately.
The effectiveness of defense systems or operations may be seriously impaired and
interruption is unacceptable when the services are not available immediately.
external support contracts. Prearranged contracts or contracts awarded during a contingency
from contracting organizations whose contracting authority does not derive directly from theater
support or systems support contracting authorities.
functional Combatant Commands. U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Strategic
Command, and U.S. Transportation Command.
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geographic Combatant Commands. U.S. Africa Command, U.S. Central Command, U.S.
European Command, U.S Northern Command, U.S. Pacific Command, and U.S. Southern
HN. A nation that permits, either by written agreement or official invitation, government
representatives and/or agencies of another nation to operate, under specified conditions, within
its borders.
hostile environment. Defined in Reference (bq).
LN. An individual who is a permanent resident of the nation in which the United States is
conducting contingency operations.
LOA. A document issued by a procuring contracting officer or designee that authorizes
contractor personnel to accompany the force to travel to, from, and within an operational area,
and outlines Government-furnished support authorizations within the operational area, as agreed
to under the terms and conditions of the contract. For more information, see section 225.74 of
Reference (y).
long-term care. A variety of services that help a person with comfort, personal, or wellness
needs. These services assist in the activities of daily living, including such things as bathing and
dressing. Sometimes known as custodial care.
non-CAAF. Personnel who are not designated as CAAF, such as LN employees and non-LN
employees who are permanent residents in the operational area or TCNs not routinely residing
with U.S. forces (and TCN expatriates who are permanent residents in the operational area) who
perform support functions away from the close proximity of, and do not reside with, U.S. forces.
Government-furnished support to non-CAAF is typically limited to force protection, emergency
medical care, and basic human needs (e.g., bottled water, latrine facilities, security, and food
when necessary) when performing their jobs in the direct vicinity of U.S. forces.
OCS. The ability to orchestrate and synchronize the provision of integrated contract support and
management of contractor personnel providing support to the joint force within a designated
operational area.
prime contract. Defined in section 3.502 of Reference (d).
qualifying contingency operation. In accordance with Article 2(a)(10) of the UCMJ, a military
contingency operation conducted for the purpose of engaging an enemy or a hostile force in
combat where disciplinary authority over civilians under Article 2(a)(10) is governed by the
UCMJ, Reference (l), and the Manual for Courts-Martial 2000 (Reference (br)).
replacement center. The centers at selected installations that ensure personnel readiness
processing actions have been completed prior to an individual reporting to the aerial port of
embarkation for deployment to a designated operational area.
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requiring activity. The organization charged with meeting the mission and delivering the
requirements the contract supports. This activity is responsible for delivering the services to
meet the mission if the contract is not in effect. The requiring activity may also be the
organizational unit that submits a written requirement, or statement of need, for services required
by a contract. This activity is responsible for ensuring compliance with References (f), (q), and
subcontract. Defined in section 3.502 of Reference (d).
systems support contracts. Prearranged contracts awarded by Service acquisition program
management offices that provide fielding support, technical support, maintenance support, and,
in some cases, repair parts support, for selected military weapon and support systems. Systems
support contracts routinely are put in place to provide support to many newly fielded weapons
systems, including aircraft, land combat vehicles, and automated command and control systems.
Systems support contracting authority, contract management authority, and program
management authority reside with the Service system materiel acquisition program offices.
Systems support contractors, made up mostly of U.S. citizens, provide support in CONUS and
often deploy with the force in both training and contingency operations. The JFC generally has
less control over systems support contracts than other types of contracts.
theater business clearance. A CCDR policy or process to ensure visibility of and a level of
control over systems support and external support contracts executing or delivering support in
designated area(s) of operations. The breadth and depth of such requirements will be situational.
Theater business clearance is not necessarily discrete and can be implemented to varying degrees
on a continuum during all phases of an operation.
theater support contracts. Contingency contracts awarded by contracting officers deployed to an
operational area serving under the direct contracting authority of the Service component, special
operations force command, or designated joint contracting authority for the designated
contingency operation.
uniquely military functions. Defined in Reference (f).